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Monetize your Chrome Extensions. Fast.

With Mellowtel's Open-Source library, your users can share a fraction of their unused internet by using a transparent opt-in/out mechanism. Trusted partners — from startups to enterprises — access the internet through the network and you get a share of the revenue (1000 users —> $50 MRR)

Get started with 8 lines of code

That's all it takes to import and initialize Mellowtel in your Chrome Extension

open-Source + PRIVACY DRIVEN

Open-Source at its core

Mellowtel is completely open-source in order to guarantee transparency. For privacy reasons, your users always remain anonymous on the network.

Easy to setup

npm i mellowtel

Install the NPM package with "npm i mellowtel" and copy/paste 8 lines of code to start earning with the Mellowtel Network. That's really all there is to it.


Start earning from Day 0

The revenue you earn is calculated on the number of
requests your nodes in the network accept.

You'll start earning from the day you integrate Mellowtel and the first users opt in.

Frequently asked questions

Have other questions? Get in touch!

How much can I earn with Mellowtel?

The exact amount varies based mainly on three factors: (1) the amount of active users you have, (2) how many of those opt-in, and (3) their geolocation. But as a rough approximation, 1000 active extension users should bring your MRR to about $50.

How to get started?

Just create a free account, install the Mellowtel package with NPM, copy paste your API key and initialization code, and you're good to go.

Does it require permissions?

Yes, Mellowtel requires the "tabs" and "declarativeNetRequest" permissions. If you are not already requesting these permissions, you can still safely integrate the library by adding them to the optional_permissions section in your manifest. More info in the docs.

Will Mellowtel negatively affect user experience?

The short answer is: No. The library uses array of optimizations under the hood (such as making the request in an iframe that gets immediately removed) to ensure that it doesn’t slow down the user’s browsing experience. Another feature that helps keep the library unobtrusive is Rate Limiting. You can read more here

Can users opt out?

Yes. Users have to explicitly opt-in to join the network and can opt-out at any time. The library provides methods to check their status and opt-in/opt-out.

How does Mellowtel address privacy concerns?

Privacy is a top priority for Mellowtel. We do not collect, share, or sell personal information (not even anonymized data). Every node is assigned a random identification key, not linked to any account.